The True Heart of Authenticity
Holistic Therapy for Adults, Children, Adolescents & Parents
I’m passionate about empowering people of all ages to find their own inner resources and rediscover their authentic voice and wisdom.
Being who we are, feeling free in our expressions, feeling unconflicted in what we want and what we need is our deepest longing. The more we are able to be ourselves, the more alive and free we feel. When we begin to move in the direction of our truth, we naturally attract and create the things we truly want.
We all have the desire to move in the direction of our true self, and yet we all have been wounded in ways that make that difficult. Our deepest wounding happens in our earliest relationships. No matter how great our family, teachers and larger community, we all learn that some feelings, ways of being, and expressions are acceptable and others are not. At a very young age, we all learn and internalize that parts of who we are are not okay or wanted if we want to be loved and belong.
What this means is that we all learn to hide, ignore, shut down parts of who we are in our essence, in our truest self. This has far-reaching consequences in all areas of our lives. When we are trying to be someone other than we are, we feel conflicted and ashamed. This leads to shut down, depression, anxiety and living from other’s rules. The conditioning we’ve been taught ultimately leads us farther from ourselves and leads to misery, disappointment and depression and mental health issues.
I love helping people to see through their conditioning so that they can be more of who they are, and move towards the things that they truly want.
This process of crystallization of our conditioning and these trauma responses to life can be addressed and minimized at every stage of development. This is what I most love to support in my clients.
I’m passionate about helping people of all ages and stages of development see through their conditioning so that they can be more of who they are, and move towards the the life that is most true for them.
In my work, I draw upon a unique blend of relational psychodynamics, and somatic and transpersonal psychologies to help my clients work through the hard places, release emotional blocks and feel more alive, creative and free in their lives.
The earlier we address conditioning that takes us away from who we truly are, the less damage there is to a person’s psyche and well-being. For that reason, next to adults, I work with children and help parents to get to know themselves more deeply and meet their child in the developmental stage that they’re in.
Getting to know yourself as a parent, and understanding how your true nature became compromised in your childhood, will allow you to show up for your children in a way that is more fulfilling, and sets them up for a life in which they feel free and alive within themselves.
Through empathy, clarity, and a caring, no-nonsense presence, I work with people of all ages to:
Resolve trauma by finding their own inner resources and enlivening connection, trust and intimacy in their relationships.
Recognize their sensitivity as a gift and use their inner strengths to confidently express themselves in the world.
Move through difficult experiences and stuck patterns in order to experience more ease, creativity and wholeness.
Manage the struggles of growing up through childhood, adolescence and adulthood by building and increasing social skills, coping strategies and healthy self-esteem.
Maintain a sense of self and confidence in their own unique talents and abilities while confronted by the conflicting societal messages of what it means to be a woman or a man.

I’m inspired to work with the issues that girls and boys face in their development, and am passionate about supporting women and men to live meaningful and visionary lives. I have successfully treated boys, girls, women and men with many different concerns, and have helped parents who are searching to better understand their children.