Somatic Therapy & Authentic Movement
Somatic Therapy
Somatic therapy is a powerful, deep and slow process of feeling our bodies more fully as a way to access more resource, nervous system regulation, sensation, old wounds and traumas and our vital life force and aliveness.
Being with challenging material requires that we have regulated nervous systems and are able to be with sensations, emotions and memories as they arise in the body. The first step to this work is creating internal resources and skills to support regulation of the nervous system so we have more access to our innate well-being in our present moment experience. The more we can be intimate with these old wounds and traumas, the more we are able to heal and integrate these experiences so that we can live in a way that is in alignment with who we truly are and who we want to be.
Thinking about an experience can sometimes give us a new insight or vantage point on an old, painful experience or give us insight into our conditioning, what we've internalized and taken as truth and who we actually are and want to be. That is often the first step in our healing process, to get clear about what we've believed and how we want to move forward. And, so much of this process of insight and truth comes out of our deep connection to our body and her impulses and wisdom. The body reveals the truth of our history, our lineage, our child parts, our hopes, our dreams, our rage and our grief, and all our feelings in-between.
Somatic therapy allows us to get in touch with true and vital life force, all those parts that were disconnected and shut off will find their way back into our awareness as we dive into the body. In the process of early childhood, we learn that certain ways of being, feelings and expressions are acceptable and others are not. This shutting off of our true selves and vital life force happens in the body. Getting more in touch with our bodily impulses and wisdom allows us to come into direct contact with these shut down, rejected parts as well as with our inherent drive towards truth, health and wholeness.
The more access we have to resource and regulation in our present now moment adult experience, the more we can meet old, painful experiences in new, supportive ways and the more space and freedom we have to make positive choices in the direction of who we are now and what we most want in life.
Click here to learn more about my therapy services with adults.

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”
- Martha Graham
Authentic Movement
Authentic movement is a proprietary form that originated from the field of dance therapy. This process helps us to develop a new and powerful relationship with our embodied experience. We learn more to deeply embody ourselves; our pleasure, our pain and everything in-between.
Authentic movement gently unearths unconscious experience from the depth of the psyche in a powerful yet palatable way. We close our eyes and move from the inside and learn to follow our bodily impulses and desires, connecting with movement, sensation, emotion, imagery and sound. The body learns to tell its own story, and we are both witnessed by others and develop a powerful inner witness.
This simple yet profound body awareness practice reawakens body wisdom, creative expression and deeper acceptance for self and other. Participants report deep connection with self, body and psyche, as well as well as a growing ability to be with all experiences with ease and grace.
Authentic movement is deeply therapeutic in its own right and can also be a supportive complement to individual somatic and relational therapy.
I offer authentic movement in both group and 1:1 settings. If you’re interested, please reach out for more information.