Authentic Therapy for Adults
Society places a lot of expectations on both men and women. We are all conditioned to believe we need to be a certain way in order to be a ‘real’ man or a ‘good’ woman.
Growing up, girls are often told they are too sensitive or too needy, or if they express strong opinions or anger, they are often directly or indirectly minimized or criticized. Conversely, as adults, women are often told they are too harsh or ‘masculine’, and then when they try to be more soft or express more emotionality, they are labeled as erratic.
Boys are often expected to be strong protectors who are sensitive to other’s needs, while managing their own array of feelings by themselves. Especially if they have high sensitivity or lack or caring role models, there’s often no outlet for boys to express their emotions and worries effectively. Men are pushed to be feminine, soft and cautious around women, and to be a strong, stable and leading provider at the same time.
There’s a lot of opinions around who and how you are to be as both a girl, boy, a woman or a man. More like a man, a little bit more like a woman, or something in between. It seems impossible to get it right. And it is.
I’m passionate about helping both men and women discover who they are, apart from these societal expectations. For some men, it might feel really good to be in touch with their sensitive side, whereas for others it might feel like they are forcing themselves to be something they are not. Conversely, there are women who feel great emphasizing their independence and strength, whereas others would much rather be able to rest into the arms of a strong man.
My specialities with both men and women include:
Repetitive worry and anxiety, obsessive thinking or panic attacks
Stuck in unresolved feelings around losses of all kind
Long-standing sadness, depression and loneliness
Difficulties forming close relationships with partners or friends and trusting those you’re in close relationship with
Clearly identifying thoughts, feelings and desires, and communicating them effectively in relationship
Helping you fully land in your body so that you can feel safe in the world and trust yourself
Expressing boundaries in a loving and healthy way
Recovery from childhood trauma, abuse and neglect
Learning to feel in new ways that enlivens passion, creativity and healthy desire, focusing you in on what you really want in your life and your relationships

I support women with:
High sensitivity and overwhelm by own feelings and feelings of others
Recovering from fawning and freezing
Troubled relationship with body image and food, or eating disorders
Struggles with self-doubt and decision making
Difficulties expressing what you honestly feel or hearing other’s honest opinions of you
Pressure to be the perfect mother, employee, daughter, lover and friend at the same time

I support men with:
Feelings of inadequacy or performance
Never feeling enough both as a provider and a partner
Tendency to ignore feelings or hide internal longings
Feeling like you constantly need to appear competent in order to be loved
Feelings of depression, isolation, and rage
Struggles around developing healthy supportive relationships with other men

My approach
My approach is a combination of relational, depth-oriented and somatic therapies, which untangle the past from the present and strengthen inner resources. By exploring bodily and emotional experience, men and women in therapy develop the awareness necessary to heal and transform their lives and relationships. By recognizing old patterns and limiting beliefs, men and women learn ways to feel more joy, ease and fulfillment in their lives and all of their relationships.
In individual therapy, I offer skilled support to help you:
Experience more meaning and authenticity in your life and relationship.
Cultivate trust and intimacy in relationship.
Know and accept yourself deeply and bring this knowing into your relationships.
Discover what you really want in life (work, relationships, family, activities.)
Develop inner resources to deal effectively with life’s changes.