Creating Space for Pain to Move


Currently, I am experiencing a quiet and fulfilled joy in a way I never dreamed possible. My heart is so full of love and peace for no particular reason. I am able to experience the profound blessings that are already present in my life and move towards my most heartfelt and juicy desires with ease, faith and excitement. For most of my life, this was not the case no matter how hard I worked at healing, transformation and my pursuit of freedom.

I have been in a deep practice of cutting the inner stories that harm me and moving away from my unending pain and misery - because it madly loves itself and wants more than anything to run the show. And, it has for most of my life.

For some, the answer is not to go more into the pain and darkness, but instead to create space for it to move on its own, in its own way and process, without ‘control’ masked as psychological and spiritual support and techniques. For some, there has been enough pain and grief experienced to last 10 lifetimes, and the most loving and kind thing we can do is to set it free. To stop fighting the pain, because the more we interact with the pain, shame, darkness and grief, the more we perpetuate its existence, and the less we interact with it, the more it will do its thing and phase out on its own.

That is what happened for me when I committed to cutting, moving away from, and even finding distraction from the stories and chronically negative feelings I experienced.

For those of us who have gotten so good at going deep into the pain and everything challenging and shameful, we go too deep without a safety net, without space, without an awareness and freedom which is bigger than we are. So, we have to powerfully and fiercely, at times, learn to move away from the darkness and habitually painful feelings.

This creates the space for the story, energy and emotion to unwind on its own in its own timing. This is a practice of learning to open to the bigger space of awareness and follow the natural process of life.

I am now grateful for the intensity of darkness, challenging emotions, pain I’ve experienced in this life because it has given me the incredible gift to be able to sit with others (and myself) in whatever they are going through. This is part of the work of healing and transforming - we have to feel comfortable and accepting towards these feelings and ourselves. That is also one way we develop patience, compassion and presence.

At the same time, we also need to learn to not identify with our darkness and pain, which for some is a tricky process and requires a lot of support and discernment. We also need to feel our inherent capacity towards lightness, spaciousness, play, pleasure and ease.

I’m in support of your highest expansion and finding the most easeful, spacious and expansive ways to heal and evolve so you can stop feeling like an endless self-improvement project and move towards your unique way of being and living and what truly turns you on in this life. Life is so much more fun this way.


Motorbikes & Cultivating Presence