Diving Deeply into the Body NOW
When you find your mind powerfully crafting stories and solutions around something you have anxiety, fear or pain about, do not follow the urge to believe and execute the stories. This will only create more of the same energy. See the mind as a scared child that is acting out in an attempt to get her needs met. Love her as she is and ask yourself what you are feeling in your body. Ground deeply into your body. Identify and feel your emotions, but don’t stop there. Get deeply intimate with the sensations of these emotions in the body. As you penetrate your awareness into the center of each sensation, you will experience an open empty space of fullness. Your body and mind will naturally calm and you will begin to feel peaceful. The original ‘problem’ you were attempting to solve will either no longer be relevant or a tangible solution that you can easily implement with will organically arise.
Entering deeply into the body is how we contact and feel the emotional root of any 'problem' and the only way to fully feel it and release it. The mind keeps us trapped in endless stories and theories about reality. The stories promise salvation and relief. The only true healing, relief and freedom come from settling into the moment NOW, which includes dropping into the body and its emotional and sensory experience and noticing everything in our immediate reality that we can see, fee, touch, taste and hear with our senses. True beauty and pleasure is found by becoming more sensitive to and subtly aware of ALL of our feelings.
Trauma healing also happens through feeling it all in the body with some very important resources and practices that ground you in the present moment and keep you out of overwhelm and re-traumatization.